Superwomen With Rebecca Minkoff

Control the Gold, Make the Rules: Duchess of Decorum Pattie Ehsaei



Duchess of Decorum Pattie Ehsaei holds many esteemed positions as a lawyer, financial advisor, workplace and social decorum expert, as well as being a TikTok star. While she has made a name for herself guiding others around social and work-related pitfalls, these lessons were hard won. When Pattie arrived in the U.S., she knew little of the culture and even less of the language; she now maintains her popular social media accounts because of her desire to help others in the hopes that they may learn from her early mistakes. It’s no secret that Pattie’s other favorite topic is women’s financial independence. She is clearly passionate about how and why women maintain power and equilibrium within and without relationships, encouraging women to work twice as hard and be twice as confident as any man in the room! Thanks for listening!  Don't forget to order Rebecca's new book, Fearless: The New Rules for Unlocking Creativity, Courage, and Success. Follow Superwomen on Instagram. Guest Website Pattiee