Dnv Gl Talks Energy

Adapting to the modern energy consumer



How must energy companies adapt to serve their consumers? Philippe Monloubou CEO of Enedis, the electricity distribution system operator that delivers energy to 95% in France, looks at how the modern consumer is driving the energy transition. In this intriguing episode, Philippe tells us how changing consumer behaviours are leading to the development of local energy communities. As Enedis undertakes a major roll-out of smart meters, Philippe looks at how this huge volume of new data can be used to create a smarter network. He acknowledges the need for the industry to be brave about digitalization, believing ‘the bigger risk is not to adapt’ to the new landscape. Philippe explores the potential of microgrids, with the promise of access to electricity for all. He then talks about how people’s perceptions & behaviors towards electric vehicles are changing, and with increased demand & new technologies how companies like Enedis need to take quick steps to adapt to the change. Finally, Phillippe shares his