Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 121: "Who Did Sesshomaru F*CK?!?!"



Black Lives Matter.  Manga Mavericks stands in support of Black Americans and against the systemic racism and violence perpetrated by the police and the U.S. government.  There are many ways to help the Black Lives Matter movement, be it engaging in the protests yourselves or by donating to those fighting on the front lines. We’ve included links in the description of this podcast for people to learn more about petitions to sign and places to donate. We’ve donated all of our Patreon earnings from this year and hundreds of our own dollars to Bail Funds and Charities supporting progressive movements for change across the country, and if you can give, we strongly encourage you to do so. Otherwise, you can even watch videos donating all their ad money to charities too. Again, there are many ways to help, and every bit counts. To quote a great moment from The Boondocks: "What do you do when you can't do nothing, but there's nothing you can do?" "You do what you can."  In that spirit, we’re also supporting and am