Manga Mavericks

#Lum Squad #05: "Some Like It Hot Springs Emblem!"



Hello darlings! Welcome back to #LumSquad, a podcast hosted by @LumRanmaYasha and @ProdTally devoted to the wonderful and wacky world of Rumiko Takahashi’s Urusei Yatsura! Continuing our read-through of Viz’s rerelease of the manga, we cover volume 7! This volume prominently features Onsen-Mark... sorry, “Hot Springs Emblem.” We still need to get used to that. But hey, his name change may leave us cold but some like it Hot Springs Emblem so who are we to judge? Anyway, everyone’s favorite bewildered and beleaguered educator gets the spotlight in a lot of chapters this volume, building off of the Tomobiki High-centric stories and Teachers vs Students conflict established last time. But this volume also features the notable returns of some old frenemies - Kurama and Tobimaro! Coincidentally, both are out for Mendo's head - in more ways than one! Man, Mendo gets into a lot of trouble in this volume, doesn’t he? We also talk about the series’s pop culture references, color pages, character dynamics, and so much