Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 151: "Shonen Jump's Sex Pest Problem"



We’re having a long-overdue conversation about Shonen Jump’s culpability in perpetuating sexism in both its workplace culture and in its series. More specifically, it’s time to have a serious talk about how it has been enabling and rehabilitating not one, not two, but THREE known pedophiles. When I say this podcast was long overdue, I mean it. We originally recorded this way back last August, back when news of Act-Age writer Tatsuya Matsuki’s arrest for groping two female middle school students broke and the ensuing fallout. Dejected and infuriated about the news, we gathered on friends of ours who previously loved Act-Age and were left as similarly furious at Jump’s terrible history with sex pests to vent about our criticisms of the magazine - Twitter friends Your Anime Guy and RinReadsManga, and Kendra from the My Hero Academia Podcast and View from the Top! Haikyu!! podcast. For context, we recorded this podcast on August 22nd 2020, two weeks after Matsuki’s arrest and before… everything that happened