Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 153: "A Silent Voice"



We can't stay silent any longer! We're screaming out our love for A Silent Voice all the way to the moon! Special guests and big friends Vix, Marco Oliveros, and Kory Cerjack join us for a special retrospective of Yoshitoki Oima's heart-wrenching and heartfelt coming of age story! Vix and Marco share their perspectives as teachers based in Japan to discuss how accurately the series depicts bullying culture in Japanese classrooms and the systemic issues that perpetuate it. Vix and Kory also share insights into the challenges faced by students with disabilities, and how ill-equipped a lot of teachers and public schools are to accommodate them. Plus, Kory and Colton reflect on revisiting the series after previously podcasting about it five years ago, and how their thoughts on it have changed or matured since then. We also dig into the series' themes of growth and change, how well it depicts depression and disabilities, and our complicated thoughts on these complicated characters! There's a lot to explore, so t