Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 170: "Go For It, Nakamura!"



A cute BL manga with an old-school rom-com feel? You just know we had to "go for it!" That’s right, just in time to commemorate the 5th anniversary of its conclusion and the recent release of its sequel, we recorded a retrospective of Syundei's retro-feeling BL rom-com Go For It, Nakamura with freelance writer extraordinaire Anthony Gramuglia! Touted for being a comfy and queer throwback to 80s manga romcoms, we discuss the thoughtfulness and sincerity of Nakamura’s depictions of queer sexuality, making connections and forming relationships with other people, and being unafraid to be yourself. There’s a lot of nuance and depth to how Nakamura depicts and reflects on exploring queer identity through the consumption and creations of art, so don’t judge a book just by it’s cover memes! Nakamura is a story about being unafraid to vocalize your desires and express who you are, and we certainly don’t shy away from relating how resonant this series was for us, though maybe Lum reveals a little too much about ho