Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 187: "Letterers Roundtable"



Take the Manga Mavericks 2021 Podcast Survey and get entered into our FREE MANGA giveaway! Click the link to take the survey and listen to the show for details! - We all know manga is translated from japanese to english, but do you ever think about how the actual text is placed on the page, and who places it there? It doesn’t magically appear out of thin air - manga letterers are the folks responsible for putting the words you read on the page, which is not always an easy task, as lettering is more than just fitting words into a balloon, which is hard enough in of itself, but requires creativity and ingenuity to replicate the feel of the original text with creative solutions and hand-drawn effects, and even cleaning, touching up, and redrawing the original art! We’ve had several manga Letterers on the show to discuss their work before, but today is an especially red-letter day, because we’ve brought on a dream team, some of the best in the business, to spell out what a