Manga Mavericks

#Lum Squad #12: "Moo-ving Stories!"



Hello, darlings! Welcome back to #LumSquad, a podcast hosted by @LumRanmaYasha and @ProdTally devoted to the wonderful and wacky world of Rumiko Takahashi’s Urusei Yatsura! We’re approaching the 2/3rds mark of the series’ volume count as we head into the first half of the 11th omnibus! Not only that, we’re entering one of the strongest periods for the series to date, and this volume in particular is filled with classic chapters that offered so much to talk about that we went on for two hours on just the first half alone! We had good reason to, however, as we discuss iconic stories like the “Blue-White Flames of Anger” arc and pivotal character-building chapters centered on Ataru and Lum’s relationship like “The Glove of Love and Conflict” and the deceptively emotional “Lum Becomes a Cow!” We also discuss the various hilarious chapters in-between, from the absurdly extravagant festive farce of Mendo’s Christmas Party to transformation antics gone unthinkably wrong! We also spend a lot of time discussing rec