Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 199: "Yona of the Dawn Q&A Extravaganza!!"



It may have taken a thousand years for the dragon warriors to reunite, but it only took us a couple of weeks! We still had so much more to explore in the world of Yona of the Dawn that we knew we had to return to answer the questions of the people! We’re once again rejoined by our own Happy Hungry Bunch, the Dragon Warriors of the Yona fandom; Marion, host of the Good Friends Anime Club, MHA Podcast, Shaman King Podcast, & The View From the Top!, Caitlin, editor for Anime Feminist and writer for Anime News Network and her own blog I Have a Heroine Problem, and Olive St. Sauver, writer for ButWhyTho?! We discuss several thoughtful questions curious about what we think sets Yona apart from other series, as well as the strengths of its titular protagonist and her growth throughout the story. In the process, we also interrogate questions that attempt to pedestalize Yona above other shojo manga as we challenge broad assumptions about what shojo manga are like and female protagonists should be that come from