Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 215: Gakkyu Hotei (School Judgment)



On this episode of Manga Mavericks, Colton & Lum are joined by David from the Shonen Flop podcast for what is possibly the biggest trial of the century! As they will have to argue why Gakkyu Hotei (aka School Judgment) is one of, if not the worst manga they have ever covered on the show!! Gakkyu Hotei being a series written by Nobuaki Enoki and illustrated by Takeshi Obata (also known as the artist of both Death Note & Bakuman), centered in a world where Japanese grade schools are corrupted to the point where the government creates the School Judgment System! Where elementary school students can take their grievances and discuss them during Classroom Arbitration sessions! Trials for children by children! With the series' protagonist and defense attorney, Abaku Inugami, solving all kinds of cases ranging from who dismembered the classroom pet to figuring out the identity of local snack (NOT DRUG) dealers, all while getting closer to finding out who murdered his old classmates on that fateful day known