Ktn: Sharon Lynne Wyeth

KTN: Isa Herrera - Renew Physical Therapy



Isa Herrera is a licensed physical therapist, as well as an expert in integrative pelvic floor therapies in the field of women’s health. She developed her expertise in diagnosing and treating pelvic pain by helping over ten thousand women at her NYC-based healing center Renew Physical Therapy since 2005. She pioneered the use of integrative modalities like Maya Abdominal Massage, Low Level Laser Therapy, Sound Healing, and Andean Energy Techniques with traditional evidence-based physical therapy in ways that had never been done at her healing center. It has since become very mainstream to talk about integrative approaches, and she is one that has been there in those trenches long before it was a hot topic.Isa Herrera also spent years adjunct professor at Hunter College in New York teaching pelvic floor techniques to 3rd year Doctoral level physical therapy students. She was always frustrated that there was not a broad level of teaching about pelvic floor issues in schools. Even her medical, alternative health