We're Not Wizards, Tabletop And Board Games Podcast

Episode 14: Work In Progress - It’s Elementary Dear Watson, We’re Just Giving it a Bit of a Kick - Sherlock Holmes and Moriaty’s Web



In the first of a new Series, Work In Progress looks at a new Kickstarter project and chats with its creative team. Joining us on this episode is Jim Keifer and his daughter Lucy, who will be talking about their Kickstarter for their moving tile, collaborative tabletop game "Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty's Web" We are more than aware that we have three people on this episode. We also have a special guest in the form of the gardener operating the leaf blower in the background of Jim's audio, so there the occasional blast of sound in the background. We edited him out where we could, but he still butted in and gave his opinion on Pandemic. The other thing to note is that part of this episode will potentially send you into some kind of nostalgia based haze and Jim tells us about his history working in the industry. Prepare to either be misty eyed. Or just think whut? It's nothing short of fascinating. Links of Note. Kickstarter Campaign -  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/118555799/sherlock-holmes-and-mori