Teaching Artistry With Courtney J. Boddie

Episode 56, ACT 1: James C. Horton: Arm Yourself with Hope



Hey, PODience! We’ve got a brand new episode for you and you won’t want to miss it. Episode 56: “Arm Yourself with Hope” is a thoughtful, and in some aspects spiritual conversation with James C. Horton, the newly-appointed President of Harlem School of the Arts in New York City. At the top of Courtney’s chat with James, a self-proclaimed "analog dude" and father of four ambitious kids, they linger for a while on their childhood experiences. Their conversation really gains momentum when they connect over the meaning of family and finding a connection to the arts as a safe space at just the right time in life. The heart and soul of this meaningful chat is centered around the word “tension.” As James says it, every aspect of art is based in tension and how we, as artists, explore and move through that tension. Without the presence of tension, James notes, there is nothing. How one harnesses and focuses the power of that tension is the artist’s ultimate challenge. Other topics explored in this episode include