Ompc Sermons

Seeking After God’s Own Heart Through Scripture



Week 2 of our series “Seeking after God’s Own Heart” as we read through 1 Samuel. Bob concluded his sermon by announcing his plan to transition out of his role as Lead Pastor at OMPC. He will be transitioning into “redeployment” in a new role focused on discipleship here at OMPC and around the world! This transition has been on his heart for many years now and has involved input and wisdom from the Session, a Transition Team, and professional consultants who have provided guidance and leadership leading up to this announcement today.  Both Bob and the Session agree that now is the time to share this with the congregation as we begin the search for our next Lead Pastor who will officially transition into the role effective January 2024. Please take a moment to visit to watch a video message from Bob, and to celebrate all God has done and is doing at OMPC and through Bob in his transition to redeployment! The congregation will continue to be updated throughout the process while a timeline is