Brand Yourself

212: Business Not Flowing? This Could Be the Root Cause



Welcome back to another episode of Biz Wisdom… Today, instead of addressing one challenge, I’ll be sharing four super common challenges and why they are usually a product of ONE root cause. YES, ONE! So, get your notes ready if you can – this is a juicy episode. If you’re here listening to the show, I know you’re someone who wants to bring your truth into the world, to be of service in a way that lights you up, and to build momentum doing work you love. And as you create your business, building it, growing it, and evolving it – you want to feel like you’ve found some flow. Where instead of everything feeling like a heavy lift, a learning curve, or a lot of experimenting – you’re grounded, at ease, and making moves confidently. And because of that energy, the momentum is building, the clients are coming, and the expansion is happening. But the reality is – getting started or growing what you’ve already built is nuanced and challenging. That’s the nature of business. However, how do you know when you’re experie