Information Man Show

Black Homeless Crisis In Los Angeles California Black Men



40% of the 70,000 on the streets in Los Angeles are black. 85% of the 7,000 on skid row are black. 8% of the residents in Los Angeles are black. It’s time this issue is properly addressed, called out, and made a priority. Rodney is #ADOS. Listen to what he has to say. The show attempts to make assessments. To make critical analysis of what's happening in our society today from news, social issues, cultural issues politics issues, the goal is to open up one's mind. To give a critical analysis as to what's happening in our world today. To provide solutions and strategies.Change One Mind And You Change The World Dark Matter Consciousness Black Thought... San Francisco State Alumni, Rehab therapist mental health, YouTuber and Radio Podcaster. (PODCAST) 2019.......Truth