Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Isabel Firecracker - Procrastination even affects Funky Thinkers.



Isabel Firecracker is a life and career coach helping modern childfree women get what they want.Why so Funky?Having such strong help views is one thing - having them while living in a socially conservative country such as Colombia is another.In this episode, procrastination, Auschwitz, knowledge, books and that guy from the Beatles.Isabel Firecracker got an initial one point start for being the first person from Colombia to play Funkquest.Q1. Isabel chose the man on the moon and the question is what problem are you currently grappling with.Being honest (a good Funky Thinker quality), Isabel said procrastination. Her brain is like chicken brain. And Isabel, they offer of sending a picture of your desk and adding it to the show notes is still open...Funky Thinkers think that procrastination is an internet disease.Before the internet, we would focus on one thing until completion. Watching a TV show, doing homework.DONE. UNTIL. COMPLETION.Now, we are playing on phones, watching TV, doing other stuff.We would like