Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Cathy Weiss - World Champion Swimming Karate



Whatever you think about alternative lifestyles and points of view, being a FUNKY THINKER means you listen to other points of view and decide for yourself if you want to find out more.Cathy Weiss is (I think) the first clairvoyant we have had on the show. Cathy got 20 points start because I said I was going to be stricter on the time limit as I had allowed some answers to run over in recent episodes.Q1. Cathy chose the astronaut and the question is "What problem are you currently grappling with?"Cathy and her husband are discussing moving to Australia. (Where the Queen is actually Head of State).Either as a worker or a tourist. Depending on how the immigration points stack up.Is Australia the most regulated country in the western world? That's what I had thought.The target is 65 points (to enter Australia) and so Cathy scored 65 points. Total so far 85.Cathy kind of new the Soviet Union shirt so scored 1/2 a point.Q2. A short discussion arose about the orange space hooper icon. (Not for the first time with a