Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Kristen Tsetsi - The best Funky Thinker ever.



Kristen Tsetsi is an independent author of 2 books and a key part of the child free girls community, advocating and promoting the child free lifestyle for women.Q1. Kristen picked the cassette tape and the question is "Tell us about your record and tape collection when you were younger"Kristen had a music station with record player on top, double cassette tapes and cd player.Music included INXS, The Cure, New Order and Depeche Mode. Link to World in Motion 1990 is below.81 points scored.Q2. Kristen thought the shirt was from Romania and therefore got 3/4 point.Total 81 3/4Kristen picked the phone and the question is "What was your most recent lie?"Kristen recounted that feeling when, trying to keep a secret, she knew or strongly suspected that the other party had found out.13 points scored. Total 94 3/4Q3. Being a writer, Kristen chose the typewriter and the question is "What's some insider knowledge in your industry that only you have?"Now, being a Funky Thinker, Kristen mused for a moment before answering t