Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Vicki Wusche - From scuba diving to THIS...



Q1. Vicki picked the cassette tape and the question is "Tell us about your record and tape collection when you were younger"Much of the music Vicki listened to, the artists are in prison or helping police with their enquires.It is like having part of your childhood ripped away...We recounted the days of recording the top 30 at 5pm on Sundays.79 points scored. (Because that was when cassette recorders went mainstream).Vicki knew the shirt was the old soviet union and therefore scored a point.Total 80.Q2. Vicki picked the space hopper and the question is "What is your secret talent?"Vicki gave us a two minute tour round underwater photography.Bonus point for saying thank you.Total 98 points.Q3. Vicki picked the shoe and the question is "What are you currently worried about?"Vicki answered the state of the world we are leaving to our kids.In terms of politics, the environment.(Is it sexist to say that most women pick the shoe? I will go back and have a look... to see if it is fact...)Scored rounded up to 130 poi