Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Season 1 - Michael Sherlock v Kristen Tsetsi



​This final match up of the first round saw number 5 seed Michael Sherlock take preliminary round Funkster Kristen Tsetsi.Kristen being the lower ranked FUNKSTER went first.Q1. Kristen picked the books and the question is "Which singer did you mine along to as a teenager? Kristin picked Depeche Mode and a discussion about pierced nose rings cropped up.Q2. Michael picked the roller blades. The question is "What was the last live event you went to?"​A discussion about cirque du soleil. (first time they cropped up).Q3. Kristen picked the train. The question is "Do you plan or go with the flow?"Q4. Michael went with the bridge. (Something very psychlogical). Michael bought a hat. Picture imposed onto the recording.Q5. Kristen picked the jars of jam. The question is what outdoor activity would you most like to try. Kristen said none... None that she would like to try... Michael would like to kite surf.