Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Season 2 - Episode 13 - Ann Smith v Paul Maskill



FunkQuest - Season 2 - Episode 13 - Ann Smith v Paul MaskillFunkquest is an interactive conversation show. Potential FUNKSTERS get to pick their own questions. They just don't know what they are...We are looking for insights, useful snippets, things we didn't know. We call this FUNK.What are the FUNKQUEST rules?Each FunkQuest episode features five rounds. Potential FUNKSTERS​ ​select an icon from the board​ to reveal a question. Funksters have to think on their feet, with a strict time limit of one minute, to give FUNKY answers.​The winner - based on audience votes - goes through to the next round.To make sure you never miss a FunkQuest episode - click did you think ? Leave a comment===========================================Jonathan SeniorFunky Thinkers=======================================