Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Season 2 - Quarter Final 2 - Bryan Falchuk v Dr. Kimya Dennis



FunkQuest - Season 2 -Quarter Final 2 - Bryan Falchuk v Dr. Kimya Dennis​You will find out that both Kimya and Bryan are experts in their respective fields and this Second Quarter Final episode is full of insightful ​ and thought proving ideas.Question 1 was; 'Where does power come from?' Bryan felt that we all have power within ourselves - and we need to really find out what really matters to us personally so that we can fight against the power​s which hold us back.​Kimya answered her first question about building an ark - she would literally and figuratively build arks (arcs) to connect people around the world so to join together ​to beat systemic attitudes.​Question 2 - and Kimya and Bryan both took this question ​; 'How do you waste time?' and felt the question problematic because this sort of time allows you space to recover and recuperate so you can then continue to help others.Bryan chose the bobsleigh icon on the board for question 3 - answering about the best thing he got for Free. Having felt wo