Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Season 4 - Episode 2 - Randi Lee Bowslaugh v Jean Robor



In this episode of FunkQuest, flirting, kickboxing and signs of the zodiacQuestion 1Jean chose the BicycleWhat difference do Zodiac Signs make to you?She felt that they made no difference to what she does in her life, occasionally looks at them on the internet. When younger she read them in womens magazines.Her birthday is coming up and she knows she is a Scorpio -overall great peopleRandi picked the Street CircusWhere do you get pampered?The Gym seems a funny place to get pampered but as a Kick Boxer Randi enjoys being there. With helmets and nose guards to keep safe the exercise is just a lot of fun.Question 2Jean settled on the childs feetWhat about the opposite sex confuses you the most?Communicating with each other seems to be the hardest thing. Deciding where to go for dinner is still difficult after 20 years of marriage. Where do you want to go? - I don't know where do you want to go?.Randi chose the Pool TableWhen was the last time you said never?Randi says she doesn't like to talk in absolutes 'Never