Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Season 4 - Episode 6 - Ben Reuter v Steve Judge



In this episode, Daley Thompson ON A COMPUTER GAME and should pizza have nuts?Question 1Ben chose the 'Apples'What can of worms have you opened recently?Steve picked the 'Paddle Boarder'Which sports person did you idolise when you were young?Question 2Ben plumped for the 'Pencil Crayons'When was the last time you got conned of scammed?Steve decided on the 'Chess Board'Who would you like to interview you?Question 3Ben chose the 'Parrot'When was the last time you got a bargain?Steve decided to go with the 'Pool Balls'What have you done recently that would make a 10 year old you proud?Question 4Ben picked the 'Horses'When are you at your most content?Steve chose the 'Boots'What is your dream job?Question 5The healthy choice for Ben was the 'Carrots'What is the worst movie you ever saw?Steve went for the 'Rose'What do you do on the beach?