Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Season 4 - Quarter Final 1 - Barb Braendlein v Karina Kantas



Question 1​Karina was the first funkster to play and chose 'The Hurdlers'What excites you right now?​Barb chose the 'Shuttlecock'When did you go over/ underdressed to an event?​Question 2​Karina ​picked the '​Motorbike​'What was the first item you bought with your own money?​Barb decided on the 'Rainbow'​What do you do during a power cut?Question 3​Karina picked the​ 'Waves'When was the last time a stranger was kind to you?​Barb was very verbal about the 'Mountain Sheep'What is something everyone should know by aged 10?​Question 4​Karina chose the '​Scenic View'How would you keep away an attacker?​Barb picked the 'Muscle man'What is the most dialled number on your phone?​Question 5​Karina ​went for the ​'Water bottles'What trendy phrase from TV do you have to stop yourself from saying?​Barb chose the 'Trainer shoes'When was the last time you camped out?