Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Season 5 - Episode 2 - Jason McCleery v Dan Wise



Question 1Dan chose the 'DJ Record Base'Where does your mind wander?Jason picked the 'Snowman'Where does shopping rank in your life?Question 2Dan went for the 'Beagle Dog'Where is your favourite panoramic view?Jason chose the 'Golf Putt'What is your favourite sandwich?Question 3Dan liked the 'Chess Piece'What would you change your name to?Jason chose 'The Hot Air Balloon'What do you wish people would stop asking you?Question 4Dan after a flash of inspiration went with the 'Bow Tie'When did you pass your driving test?Jason liked the 'Sushi'When did you eat too much?Question 5Dan picked the 'Old House'Which language do you wish you could speak fluently?Jason chose the 'Flamingo'If you could take a single photo of your life what would be in it?