Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkqQuest - Nobilty -Travis (Tray) Newsome v Joshua Shea



3 x world dominos champion Travis Newsome drops by FunkQuest to share some funk with us.Travis got a prescription from his Doctor so he can play dominos every day...We find out what it is like at the domino world championship. Is trash talking (sledging) allowed?Travis explains how some of students are now beating him (so he isn't that smart after all)...Question 1Joshua chose the 'Apples'How well can you read a map?Travis chose to answer the same questionQuestion 2Joshua picked the 'Camel'What was your first computer?Travis decided on the TuxedoWhere do you visit the internet most?Question 3Joshua wanted the 'Swimmer'Where do you exercise?Travis went for the 'Soccer Ball'What old person thing do you do?Question 4 Joshua liked the 'Boat'What are you most grateful for?Travis wanted to answer the same questionQuestion 5Joshua picked the 'Wedding'When have you been on TV or Radio?Travis chose the'Eggs'What can you talk all day about?