Job Seekers Radio

012 The Follow-Up Process That Will Double Your Networking For Jobs



Show Notes Networking is the #1 way to find hidden opportunities that go unadvertised. Follow-up becomes the most critical part of the networking process. . By feeling grateful and demonstrating the gratitude in your words and actions - you will double the effectiveness of your search.. Don't miss these Topics: Gratitude, the attitude and approach, the mindset   Post-meeting strategies and ideas How to create an audience experience Others-focused contribution and offers of help The Job Search Update Personalizing your messages shows honor Tools for tracking your search process and networking What is the Gratitude Chain and how it can help you How do you measure success of networking? Asking permission for referral contact information The importance of thank you notes and what to write Resources (including affiliate links) Using Google Docs as a Job Search CRMReview the Podcast  Anatomy o