Job Seekers Radio

025 Looking for Work After a Long Break



Show Notes Finding a job after a break, whether from raising a family, a medical issue, to care for a family member, or any other reason can have it's unique issues. Launching your search with confidence is the topic of this episode Scott and Andrew provide insights on how to approach situations where you have not been working for awhile. Don't miss these Topics: Mindset of Strength Personal decisions and what to share Maintaining positive self-talk How to make a recovery and remain resilient Structuring the resume Gaps and how to handle them Networking conversation topics Overcoming the "pigeon hole" Resources (including affiliate links) 4-Part Series on the Anatomy of a Networking ConversationJSR 015: The Set-Up JSR 016: The IcebreakerJSR 017: The Question and Answer JSR 018: The Ask  iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript  View TranscriptToday on job seekers radio we’re talking about launching a job search after a long break I use air quotes of course because there's a lot o