Job Seekers Radio

026 Dealing with Ageism and Feelings of Age Discrimination



Show Notes Bias does exist in the job market. How it presents itself can be more unknown than obvious. The bigger question is what to do when you feel discriminated, or victimized by ageism.  Don't miss these Topics: Self-Talk and Mindset. How to position your experience. Networking for "Seasoned" workers Addressing feelings of being overqualified. Branding  your wisdom. The Importance of Value, Reputation, and Relationships. Resources (including affiliate links) 025 Looking for Work After a Long Break 005 Coping with Job Loss [mindset]  iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript  View Transcript Today and job seekers radio we’re talking about seasoned workers – those that have lost their way professionally and found themselves feeling… I'm out dated No one will hire me I'm too experienced I'm a Dinosaur I can’t find a job must be my age They didn't hire me because I'm too old, and it’s discrimination – ageism You’ve been “ageisted” How do you feel about that Scott? I’ve