Job Seekers Radio

030 Survival Jobs: The Art of Underemployment



Show Notes Many times in your life you might have taken jobs for different reasons. Occasionally, you will take a job that is just there for the money when you just have to have source of income.  Scott and Andrew discuss the Art of Underemployment with a focus on Survival Jobs. Don't miss these Topics: What is a survival job. What kind of stepping stone is this - and be honest. How much of the truth you might share with employers How to find and choose the right survival job Identifying remote work alternatives Value of networking to find survival jobs The role of motivation in your decisions to take work How to look at the idea of survival job Resources (including affiliate links) FlexJobs Indeed CareerBuilder Monster Craigslist NextDoor Facebook  iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript  View TranscriptWe’re talking about how to leverage and under employed situation to your advantage we always start these kinds of conversations talking about motivation what is motivating you t