Job Seekers Radio

033 Finding Job Club Networking Groups to Accelerate your Search



Show Notes Networking is the #1 way to find great new career opportunities. Getting your feet wet can be easy with a job seekers networking group. They go by many names, but with a common goal of connecting and facilitating. Andrew and Scott share experiences with you on how and where to find networking groups for career seeking professionals.. Don't miss these Topics: How to Stay Resilient Networking as a never-ending-activity Common places that have networking resources. Community colleges, Alumni groups, and University career resources. Library and Public meeting places. Professional associations Outplacement, career/job coaches, and headhunters. Local newspaper/classifieds Local business magazine Chamber of Commerce Resources (including affiliate links) What Color is Your Parachute Unemployment Insurance Benefits Department of Labor Eventbrite Meetup Business Journal  iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript  View Transcript 00:00:00 - 00:05:00 Welcome to job seekers ra