Job Seekers Radio

035 What Am I Going to Do When I grow up? Career Choices



Show Notes Networking is the #1 way to find great new career opportunities quickly. Success in networking can be traced to your ability to communicate. Using the Branding Statement to position yourself. Listen now to hear tips and techniques. Don't miss these Topics: Consideration in making career choices to seek something better Giving you permission to pursue your passion Defining what your passion looks like especially for college graduates Strategies to picking your options Ideas around getting out in front of your post-graduation plans Heightening your awareness of what makes you happy Career experimentation and leaning into collecting experiences Why making mistakes shouldn't get you down or stop you Move past the opinion of ONE person while looking for exceptions to the rule How to relate with or combine hobby, money and work Choosing between doing something and doing nothing Listening to your gut (in a good way) Change perspective change your world Resources (including aff