Job Seekers Radio

040 Nine Mistakes to Avoid When Interviewing



Show Notes You work so hard to get the interview, why botch it? Take some time to learn the pitfalls to avoid so you dominate the interview with offers. Join Scott and Andrew as we share the top mistakes. 9 Mistakes To Avoid When Interviewing Not Doing Any Research on the Company and Position Not Preparing for the Common Interview Questions Assuming you are "Good Enough" Not Having Any Questions to Ask the Hiring Team Not Knowing Anyone Inside Forgetting To Follow-Up Lack of Self-Awareness related to Skills-Employer Match Relying Too Heavily on Nervousness Not Checking your Appearance Resources (including affiliate links) 013 Never Heard Anything After The Interview010 Interviewing with Confidence003 Branding, Interviewing and Online Applications [Hot Mic]  iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript  View Transcript 00:00:00 - 00:05:01 Aw. Welcome to job seekers radio. I'm Andrew, and I'm Scott this production is meant to provide you meaningful support defiant. Great careers fas