Job Seekers Radio

043 Making the Right Career Choices Regardless of Circumstance



Show Notes Job satisfaction is a choice. Having an idea of what you want to do can be found by asking really good questions. Andrew and Scott discuss techniques for being satisfied and finding satisfaction in your work or job search. Don't miss these Topics: Understanding what you really want The process of making changes when you are working Discovering how to take control of your career Resources (including affiliate links) The Power of Now by Eckhart TolleKung Fu Panda QuoteToo Good to Leave, Too Bad to Stay: A Step-by-Step Guide to Help You Decide Whether to Stay In or Get Out of Your Relationship by Mira Kirshenbaum  iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 0:00 - 05:01 Welcome to job seekers radio. I'm Andrew, and I'm Scott this production is meant to provide. You the listener meaningful support defined great careers faster. Whether you're working or not today job seekers radio we cover some really sensitive and important topics including this idea of career choices