Job Seekers Radio

044 Job Networking From The Trenches: Introductions, The Good and The Bad



Show Notes Networking for jobs comes with a number of pitfalls. Getting in the trenches with other people, setting up these meetings by introductions requires some finesse. Scott and Andrew  Don't miss these Topics: What makes a good networking introduction. Best practices to improve the number of meetings scheduled with key people. What can go wrong during the introduction process. Managing the expectations of each party involved. Developing your own standards and professional etiquette  Understanding the possible responses and what they mean. The value and occasional inaccuracy of LinkedIn. Resources (including affiliate links) National Business Employment Weekly: NetworkingWhat Color is Your Parachute  iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 0:00 - 05:06 Job seekers radio. I'm Andrew, and I'm Scott this production is meant to provide you the job seeking listener was support to find great careers faster. And that's whether you're working or not today job seeker