Job Seekers Radio

045 Networking From The Trenches – Group Networking Events, The Good And The Bad



Show Notes Attending networking events in a group setting can be challenging. Getting results from attending them as a job seeking professional requires some do's and don'ts. Andrew and Scott discuss the Good and the Bad from the trenches of networking both as job seekers and as employed executives. Don't miss these Topics: The components of successful group events from the perspective of the host and the job seeking attendees Strategies that work and strategies that don't work so well when you are in the trenches at a networking event. What you control and what you con't control when you get to the event. Evaluating group events and evaluating which ones you will attend again (or not). Resources (including affiliate links) Cleon Cox Job Finders Support  iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:00 - 00:05:02 Looking to job seekers radio. I'm Andrew, and I'm Scott this production is meant for you the job seeking professional to provide meaningful support to get gre