Job Seekers Radio

046 When Your Dream Job Does Not Pay Well



Show Notes Chasing the dream job will occasionally fall short in the compensation category. Scott and Andrew talk about ideas and strategies for turning your dream job into a well paying vocation. Don't miss these Topics: How to handle the interview conversations Will the dream job really pay Turning your idea into reality even if you are working Real life coaching stories Resources (including affiliate links) iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 0:00 - 05:01 Today on job seekers radio. We're talking about when the dream job just doesn't pay so. Well, right. I think most of us who have been down the career path for any length of time, have run into this at least once. I am of the opinion that we should follow what we truly enjoy. Because the more you enjoy the less feels like work, and the word passion is often used in that sense. Follow your passion! Recently, I've been hearing, other coaches talk about how that may not be great advice, and I'm not going to go there