Job Seekers Radio

049 Finding Jobs In Another City Through A Remote Search



Show Notes When life changes and you are in or expecting to move to a new city, finding work can be a challenging process. Steps can be taken to improve your chances and plan for the expectations you have in relocating to a new geography. Scott and Andrew discuss the components to consider when considering a location change.. Don't miss these Topics: Preparing to discuss the WHY behind your relocation. Mapping the timelines and communicating that to various audiences. Preparing financially for the relocation and hiring process. Dealing with the timeline optimal versus the actual timeline. Discussing your plans with a current employer Building a team of advocates - the people that will support. Appearing as local as local can be. Planning the frequency for visits Value of LinkedIn and best practices. Logistics for interviews. What to do when there's no relocation assistance. Identifying local associations and publications in your domain Resources (including affiliate links) Business