Job Seekers Radio

050 Dealing With Repetitious Rejection with Empowering Strength in the Job Search



Show Notes Protracted job searches can wear down your resilience. Dealing with repetitive rejection can lead to dejection.  Scott and Andrew discuss strategies to approach your rejection using empowering strength. Don't miss these Topics: Knowing it's normal and healthy to feel dejected. Rejection is never about you. How to be an active agent of your career future. Changing perspective on failure. Preparing yourself to take a "no." Finding things you can control. Resources (including affiliate links) Ray Schalk - Baseball Hall Of Famer  iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 0:00 - 05:05 Today on job seekers radio were talking about dealing with repetitious rejection and doing that with empowering strength have rejection something, everybody dislikes. There's a human being on earth that enjoys rejection. Well, maybe I shouldn't say that there may be somebody who's thank you, another. Yes. Generally speaking, nobody likes rejection. And when you get it over and ove