Job Seekers Radio

051 Working With Recruiters and Other Questions Answered



Show Notes Your questions are answered in today's episode. You can submit your questions in the contact tab above or in the comments below. Don't miss these Topics: Just met a group of people through my current employer who do what I want to do [aka my dream job], how do I let the group know I want to join? My mom says I'm not networked enough to work out here. Could that be what it is? A coworker made the comment they didn't think they'd apply for a job that would be a lateral move but does sound kind of interesting as they didn't want to appear scattered and unfocused about their career. This had totally not ever occurred to me, what's your thoughts? Why do some recruiters flat out ignore profiles & offer jobs that are completely too high level, with me being under-qualified by a number of criteria, and still reach out? What defines the pay level in the contrast to the skills required? Is reaching out to a recruiter from a company too much, after submitting for a job on their site? After app