Job Seekers Radio

052 The 12 Things You Should NEVER Put On Your Resume



Show Notes 12 THINGS TO NEVER PUT ON YOUR RESUME Too Much Information. Sensitive Personal Information. Long Sentences Full of Buzz Words and Commas. An Objective Section. The Word "Summary" or Variation Thereof As A Section Header. The Dates For Education. More Experience Than The Company Is Asking For. Pictures, Graphics, Emojis, Fancy Fonts, Watermarks. An Embedded Cover Letter. Redundant Usage Of Language and Information. Abundance Of Acronyms. Sidebars, tables, columns, bubbles. Resources (including affiliate links) Why You Can’t Get an Interview, By Dr. John Sullivan  iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 0:00 - 05:14 Welcome to job seekers radio. I'm Andrew and I'm Scott. This production has meant to provide meaningful support to you to find great careers faster whether you're working or not today on job seekers radio. We're talking about the twelve things not to put on your resume. Resumes are great. They're necessary. We we know we need to use