Job Seekers Radio

055 The Very Best Time To Introduce Your Resume In A Hiring Process



Show Notes When in the networking and hiring process do I introduce my resume? That is a question often asked. How and when you introduce your resume is the topic of this episode. Don't miss these Topics: To introduce, or not, the resume? When in the process of networking to present the resume What to say to increase your chances of getting interviews  Resources (including affiliate links) What Color is Your Parachute  iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00 - 05:02 Welcome to job seekers radio. I'm andrew and i'm scott. This production action is meant to provide you meaningful support to find great careers faster whether you're working or not today on job seekers radio were talking about the very best first time to introduce your resume in a hiring process. I always start this conversation because it comes up frequently for us. Can i have your resume. That's the question we always get and. I think that's an appropriate time to provide it. If you haven't if it's the