Job Seekers Radio

056 Am I Being Ghosted? And What To Do About It



Show Notes Ghosting is a recent phenomenon where candidates are left in the cold during the hiring process. Although it doesn't feel good, Scott and Andrew discuss some strategies on how to deal with ghosting to move your search forward. Don't miss these Topics: What is ghosting and when does it occur in job search Strategies to deal with ghosting The role of networking in overcoming the silence The reasons for ghosting  Mindset for success when you are ghosted Resources (including affiliate links) What Color is Your Parachute  iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00 - 05:03 We are talking about ghosting and i don't mean ghostbusters yeah or anything of that nature now. We're not talking about the paranormal so not normal but that's something else so by ghosting. We mean that radio silence you hear after hiring team has demonstrated interest in you and the role had promised we're going to move forward and it could be the company. It could be a networking contact