Job Seekers Radio

057 Keeping Your Network Alive and Incubating Relationships Over Time



Show Notes Getting your new job is quite an accomplishment. Many of the sacrifices you made and the efforts you took included networking. Now that you are working - what's next?  Scott and Andrew share some ideas around keeping your network alive. Don't miss these Topics: Overcoming regret of not having networked - The #1 Thing Many Job Seekers Feel Engage with industry associations Consider the value of 30-60-90 plans Adjust your mindset for networking Make small investments of time to get results Dedicate some time to planning your efforts Paying it forward now that you are working Setting and following up with key relationships Resources (including affiliate links) 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 9 Things you should never do on LinkedIn Boomerang Gmail Plugin Hubspot Onenote Evernote  iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00 - 05:06 welcome to job seekers radio. I'm andrew this production. Action is meant to provide meaningful support to find great