Job Seekers Radio

059 The Best Questions To Ask At An Interview



Show Notes You are preparing for an interview and expecting the questions you will be asked.  What about the questions you GET to ask?  Andrew and Scott talk through some ideas about crafting good questions to ask hiring teams during your interviews to demonstrate your interest.  Don't miss these Questions and some Answers: What are the best questions to ask? How do you know they are telling the truth? What do you REALLY want from the job/organization? How would you rate your company on saying what they are going to do and then doing it?  What does work life balance look like to me? Is the question I'm asking about me? Hopefully not! How do you allocate weekend work? Is weekend work required here? What accommodations do you have for flexible scheduling as relates to equity/inclusion? Tell me about a time when somebody needed accommodation around their work schedule, how did you handle that? Talk to me about what diversity and inclusion looks like? Tell me about a time when you had a