Job Seekers Radio

063 The Number One Secret to Job Satisfaction



Show Notes Understanding your satisfaction is within your control can be liberating. Scott and Andrew discuss the Top Secret, that #1 thing you can do, to ensure your job satisfaction. Don't miss these Topics: Being an advocate for your own satisfaction. The difference between fitting in and being in. How language and identity can work together. Consistency in your brand presentation. The value of a cover letter. Defending your own needs without being defensive. Identifying Key Factors of Satisfaction. Where to find support for your satisfaction. How to communicate your areas of satisfaction.  Resources (including affiliate links) Branding Episodes on Job Seekers Radio  iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:06 - 00:05:13 welcome to job seekers radio. I'm Andrew and I'm Scott. This production is meant to provide you meaningful support defined great careers faster whether you're working or not today's episode. We're talking about the secret to advocating