Job Seekers Radio

065 What To Do When You Just Can’t Find Full Time Work



Show Notes The jobs reports don't always tell the whole story. There are a  myriad of situations that individuals have endured that are not reflected in the data reporting. Scott and Andrew have your covered! Talking about situations when you have been looking for awhile and just unable to secure the right full-time job. Don't miss these Topics: The data tell a story. What to do about your individual situation. Getting out of the situation you are in. The value of self-care. Different types of work arrangements. Mindset required to succeed. Resources (including affiliate links) The number of people who have given up an active job search in September 2019 was 6.9 percent, some 11 million people. 60% U.S. workers are in mediocre or bad jobs or multitude of temporary and part time jobs.  iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:01 - 00:05:07 local job seekers radio. I'm Andrew and I'm Scott. This podcast is meant to provide you meaningful support to find great c